f  News

"Hello, all you bailiffs, bandits, barons, beggars, bellfounders, and bonecarvers!Soon we will unveil the cover for the new album. The artwork will feature elements from each song.The mixing is now complete, and it really sounds amazing!Until then." ... See MoreSee Less
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Hello, all you abbesses, abbots, accoucheurs, alchemist, archduchesses and astrologers!Thank you for all the kind words about the news, we were utterly blown away by the reception.Since we are at best wanting in our activities on social media, we will try to lessen our absence here, and give you tidbits on a more regular basis.In posts to come, we will talk a bit about the recording process, the music itself, share information about the tracks and the album. So stay tuned, and more will come!Featured in the video is from when we "built" our makeshift song booth for vocal tracking and some other very loud instruments. ... See MoreSee Less
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Hear ye, hear ye! At long last we are finally able to tell you that the recording of our next album is finished! With the mixing currently underway we'll be announcing a release date before long. ... See MoreSee Less
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