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Hello, all you vagabonds, vintners, valets, viscounts and viscountesses! Only five days untill 'A Plague upon Thee' is released. We can't wait for you all to hear the album, and hear what you think of the songs!For those of you who have pre-ordered the album, they have already been shipped and are on their way.For those going to the release concert in our hometown, preparations are on their way, and it will be a pleasant evening. Both us and our musical guests Pettersson & Fredriksson are looking forward to playing our music live for you. Hope to see you there! ... See MoreSee Less
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Hello, all you unguentaries, urchins, upholders and userers!Saint Yersinia is out!You can watch the video here: youtu.be/e_9qdJx-0HMAudio plattforms ca be found here: found.ee/SaintYersiniaAbout Saint Yersinia; The embodiment of one of the major trials hurled upon the unwary flesh of the world. A seldom sung hymn to the ever present disasters accompanying humanity wherever we set forth. ... See MoreSee Less
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